How To Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon (2024)

Do you want to convert Matic token ERC20 to Polygon? If your answer is YES then you are in the right place.

If you don’t know how to add Polygon to Metamask then click on the link.

When you click on the link, you will be taken to one of our guides where we have explained the entire process in the simplest way possible.

To convert Matic token ERC20 to Polygon, you will need to install and set up the Metamask wallet and add Polygon.

Once you have successfully added Polygon, transfer funds from ETH to Polygon.

Once transferred, you will have Matic token ERC20 converted into Polygon.

If you don’t know how this process works and are curious to learn then keep reading this post.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Converting Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

There are only two simple steps that you need to follow to convert Matic Token ERC20 to Polygon.

To know what these steps are and how they work, read this post till the end.

Step 1: Setup Metamask Wallet & Add Polygon

Metamask is one of the most sought Crypto wallets for both Mobile and PC. Since its Google Chrome Browser extension is user-friendly, I advise you to download it by clicking on this link.

Once you have successfully added Metamask to your browser, click on its icon, which can be found at the top right corner of the screen.

Open the Metamask extension and click on the ‘Import Token’ option and enter a password that you want to use to access it.

Once done, now you will have to click on the Locked section to reveal your Secret Recovery Phrase, which is unique for each user.

Once unleashed, make sure to hide it from others and save it to a better place.

Once confirmed, you will be able to use the Metamask wallet.

To add Polygon to Metamask, open the browser extension and click on the Ethereum Mainnet drop-down option and then click on the ‘Add Network’.

In a new window, you will have to provide the following details:

Network NamePolygon
New RPC URLChoose any of the following:
Chain ID137
Currency SymbolMATIC
Block Explorer URL

Once provided, click on the Save button to Add Polygon to Metamask.

Step 2: Transfer Funds From ETH to Polygon

Polygon has a dedicated bridge to transfer funds from its network from the Ethereum Mainnet.

Before you get started with the process, make sure your Metamask is on the ETH network if you have already added Polygon.

Now, visit the Polygon Wallet by clicking on this link. Once you are on the site, click on the ‘Connect to Wallet’ button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

When you do so, a pop-up will appear, click on the Metamask and follow the onscreen instruction until it is connected.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

Now, click on the Polygon Bridge tab to open up the transfer window.

Once it is opened, select the Polygon token in the From field as shown in the below picture.

If you select MAX, all of your Polygon tokens will be selected.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

Once selected, click on the Transfer button. When you do so, a pop-up will appear on the screen, click on the Continue button to proceed.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

Once the transfer process is completed, you will see the MATIC balance appearing on the screen as shown in the above picture.

Once you have successfully transferred funds from Ethereum to Polygon.

Open the Metamask extension and click on Ethereum Mainnet and select Matic Mainnet.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

Once selected, click on the Assets section to see the number of Matic Tokens you have.

Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon

That’s it.

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