Do you know how to buy Overmoon token (OVM) using PancakeSwap on Trust Wallet?
If your answer is NO but you want to purchase an Overmoon token on Trust Wallet then look no further as we have you covered.
There are plenty of Crypto investors who want to buy Overmoon token but they don’t know how it is purchased on Trust Wallet and if that’s you then don’t worry, we have a step by step guide explaining the same in the easiest way possible.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
Buying Overmoon Token On Trust Wallet
Purchasing the Overmoon token on Trust Wallet using PancakeSwap is pretty easy.
However, if you don’t know the procedure then follow the steps written below:
First, launch Trust Wallet.
Before you follow the procedure mentioned below, make sure you have sufficient BNB.
To buy BNB, click on the Buy button located on the main screen on the Trust Wallet app.
Now, type BNB into the search bar and select ‘Smart Chain’.
In a new window, enter the amount of money you want to spend to buy BNB.
Once entered, select the preferred payment method — MoonPay, Ramp and Simplex.
Once you have successfully purchased BNB, head back to the home screen of Trust Wallet and click on the DApp browser option located at the bottom of the screen.
If you don’t have the DApp browser enabled on Trust Wallet, you would not be able to buy Overmoon using PancakeSwap.
To learn how to enable the DApp browser on Trust Wallet, click on the link. Once enabled, click on the DApp browser icon.
Now, scroll down and select PancakeSwap.
Once you are on the PancakeSwap exchange, click on the ‘Connect Wallet‘ button, which can be found at the top right corner of the screen.
When you do so, multiple options will appear on the screen, Select ‘Trust Wallet’.
Now, click on the Cake option and enter the contract address of the Overmoon token.
- Overmoon Token Contract Address — 0x67382A3364B97E09F727AfB388FE817De18f7a18
Copy the Overmoon token contract address and paste it into the field that says ‘Search name or paste address’
Once pasted, click on the Import button.
Now, click on the I understand tick box and then click on the Import button.
Doing this will add the Overmoon token to PancakeSwap.
Before you enter the amount of Overmoon token you want to purchase using PancakeSwap, make sure you have set the correct Slippage Tolerance.
To buy an Overmoon token, make sure the slippage tolerance is set at 12%.
Now, enter the number of tokens you want to buy and click on the Swap button.
Doing this brings up a pop-up window showcasing the price of BNB, price impact, and liquidity provider fee.
Once confirmed, click on the Confirm Swap button.
When you do so, you will be shown the transaction history and Network fee that you will have to pay to buy Overmoon tokens.
If everything is right, click on the Approve button.
That’s everything you need to know about how to buy Overmoon tokens on Trust Wallet using PancakeSwap.