Want to sell or swap MetaUFO on PancakeSwap?
Well, we have a guide explaining the same in the simplest way possible.
If you have not claimed free MetaUFO Airdrop tokens as of now, click on the link.
When you click on the link, you will be taken to one of our guides where we explained how to claim and withdraw MetaUFO Airdrop tokens.
The process of swapping MetaUFO on PancakeSwap is similar to other tokens but you might not be able to do it right away because it is yet to be unlocked by its creators.
To know MetaUFO unlock date and how its swapping method works, you will have to read this guide till the end.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
How to Swap MetaUFO on PancakeSwap?
To swap MetaUFO on PancakSwap, you will need to follow a few simple steps:
First, launch Trust Wallet on your phone.
Click on the DApp browser option located at the bottom of the screen.
Notably, the DApp option will only appear when you have it enabled.
If you don’t see the DApp browser on Trust Wallet and want to enable it, click on the link.
Once you have successfully enabled it, click on the DApp browser option.
In a new window, you will have to scroll down and select ‘PancakeSwap’.
Before you begin the swapping method, make sure you have Smart Chain selected at the top right corner of the screen.
Now, you will have to click on the Cake option and paste the contract address of MetaUFO.
If you don’t know what is MetaUFO contract address, you can copy it from here.
MetaUFO Contract Address — 0x2ad7f18dcfa131e33411770a9c6c4fe49b187bc2
Once copied, paste it into the ‘Search name or paste address’ section.
Once pasted, wait until the ‘Import’option appears on the screen.
Once appeared, click on the Import option.
When you do so, a new pop-up window will appear on the screen, where you will have to click on the Understand box and then the ‘Import’ button.
Since we have to swap MetaUFO for BNB, make sure to click on the middle arrow and change their position.
Make sure MetaUFO is above and BNB is below.
Once done, enter the amount of MetaUFO tokens you want to sell or swap.
If you want to swap all MetaUFO available on your Trust Wallet, click on the Max option.
When you do so, you will be shown the number of BNB you will get once swapped successfully.
Now, click on the Approve MetaUFO button. Doing this will show you details like the Network fee and the total amount that you will be charged for the transaction.
If everything is correct, click on the Approve button.
Before you click on the Swap button, make sure your Slippage Tolerance is above 11.5.
Once set, click on the Swap button and then confirm the transaction by clicking on the Confirm Swap and then Approve.
Note: MetaUFO can’t be swapped or sold right now because it is yet to be unlocked by its creators.
If you want to sell or swap MetaUFO on PancakeSwap, you will have to wait till June 28th, 2022.